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4 Historical Facts About Condoms

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작성자 Reda Koertig
댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 25-02-07 09:56


Have you ever asked yourself where condoms came from? You might be surprised to know that these contraceptive tools have been used to stop pregnancies and protection against STDs for hundreds of years. Not surprisingly, there have been many claims about how the condom came to be and just who invented it-its history dates back far longer than you'd think.

Here are some interesting historical facts about condoms and how they have changed over the years, morphing from natural condoms into gel condoms, to vegan condoms and more.

Condoms in cave paintings

Believe it or not, cavemen probably knew about safe sex and contraceptives before they became a big issue. Jeannette Parisot, author of Johnny Come Lately: A Short History of the Condom, says that condoms have been seen in cave drawing which are said to be more than 15,000 years old. Although it's been indicated that the condom is used for sexual intercourse, the drawings don't signify the conditions on how and why they wear it. They could have been wearing it for protection, birth control or even as a ritual.

You needed a prescription for one

These days, you can get a condom anywhere. There's no need for a medical certificate or even an age limit to purchase it. However, during the 1800's, people needed a doctor's note before they can get one. An 1824 document described a state of the art process on how to make condoms out of sheepskin, which was a very time consuming process, hence why you needed a prescription.

In the U.S. doctors would only give prescriptions to men so they can protect themselves from getting ill, but women were never given prescriptions to female condoms as a contraceptive.

The oldest condom found is more than 600 years old

In Dudley Castle, located in West Midlands, England, were found fragments of a condom-like apparatus. It was made from animal intestine and is believed to be used to protect men from venereal diseases. Condoms during these times where still made from animal intestine, usually from sheep or lamb, and were reused, kind of like a glove.

Vegan and invisible condoms

The shift to a more animal friendly and healthier lifestyle has caused condom manufacturers to create vegan condoms, which don't contain casein, a milk protein found in regular latex condoms. Another development in the condom industry is the "invisible condom". Developers are not researching on a gel that hardens and forms a protective film around the man's penis. 'Gel condoms' are said to be as effective as regular latex condoms and feel so natural that you won't feel them when worn. Clinical tests on the gel condom are being done at the Quebec's Laval University in Canada.

The shift to a more animal friendly and healthier lifestyle has caused condom manufacturers to create vegan condoms , which don't contain casein, a milk protein found in regular latex condoms.

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